Minister’s Award
The Rundle Project: The Rundle Street Integrated Public Arts Masterplan
The Minister’s Award is given to the overall winner of the South Australian Awards for Planning Excellence. This Award is judged by the South Australian Minister for Urban Development and Planning.
"The Rundle Project’s success in winning this year’s Minister’s Award is due to the collaborative approach brought to developing this Masterplan. It is also reflects the importance of using planning to deal not only with land-use issues and implications, but also to develop an urban design framework that encourages interesting places that stimulate thinking, invite interaction and provide for contemplation. Fostering better urban design will be one of the key outcomes of the State Government’s 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide, so it is not only fitting but timely that the Rundle Project should be the recipient of this year’s Minister’s Award." (citation)

Award of Excellence Urban Design - Plans and Ideas
The Rundle Project: The Rundle Street Integrated Public Arts Masterplan
The Rundle Project: The Rundle Street Integrated Public Arts Masterplan
WAX Design in partnership with Tanya Court, Special Projects Under Development (SPUD) and Naomi Horridge.
“The jurors recommend an Award for this innovative project, which demonstrates a thorough understanding of the place of art in the urban design of public places. The project client was Adelaide City Council who should be commended for commissioning the work and encouraged to continue this commitment to urban design. The project adds considerable value to the body of knowledge of the cultural aspects of urban design in the city. The manner in which the document is presented is suitably reflective of guidelines created for public art along a linear corridor and sets a high standard and innovative mode of communication of this planning matter.” (juror's citation)
Award of Excellence Urban Design - Plans and Ideas
Port Vincent Urban Design Framework
This project was led by WAX Design in partnership with JPE; Suter Planners; Shane Foley and Associates.
Port Vincent Urban Design Framework
This project was led by WAX Design in partnership with JPE; Suter Planners; Shane Foley and Associates.
“The jurors recommend an Award for this excellent framework for the future development of the coastal township of Port Vincent. The project documentation displays a very high level of urban design analysis, creative ideas development, excellent presentation and a thorough engagement of the community. The framework provides flexibility for effective decision making about future projects without being too proscriptive, but provides some photomontages of the potential. The document displays a very high standard of illustration with excellent graphics, which communicate the potential for urban design excellence in the town." (juror's citation)