Friday, December 17, 2010

2010 PIA Award Success for WAX Design

WAX Design, in conjunction with URPS, was the recipient of an award for planning excellence in the category of Rural and Regional Planning Achievement for the Georgetown Urban Design Framework.
The ‘Georgetown into the Future’ UDF was commissioned to provide a vision for the future development for the small rural township in the mid north of the State. Its approach demonstrated how planning can positively impact on small struggling communities with realistic outcomes that can be implemented over a long period of time. The judges considered it an excellent example of recognising opportunities to build on the existing township qualities, to provide positive outcomes for a small community and improve its overall pride.

For more information on the award follow the link:

Hazelwood Playspace Radio Interview 5AA

Warwick Keates and Amanda Balmer were recently interviewed on 5AA Radio by Amanda Blair, to talk about the success of the Hazelwood Park Playspace at Burnside.
Light discussion revealed the triumph of a collaborative approach to the playspace design, and the necessity for variation in play opportunities.

Amanda Balmer “The success was down to a collaborative effort with Play space designer Ric Mcconaghy and Burnside Council. We combined the natural play and the constructive play to appeal to all ages and all level of abilities. The ideal is for parents to allow children to make their own assessment as to what they’re capable of rather than prescribing”.

Green Roofs Conference

WAX Design’s Mark Jackson recently attended the Green Roofs Conference in October at the Adelaide Zoo. There were interesting contributions with representatives coming from around the world, including keynote speaker Raphael Garcia (Rana Creek, USA), who noted ‘The education of Landscape Architects on Green Roofs is key’

WAX Design understands and supports sustainable green infrastructure initiatives, due to the opportunities for reduction in the Urban Heat Island effect, reduction in stormwater run off, improvement of air quality, improvement in urban biodiversity, creation of urban food production, and desirable enhancement of the urban aesthetic.

WAX Design are now registered members of Green Roof's Australia, a not-for-profit organisation that draws together the governmental, organisational and businesses groups and individuals interested in being kept informed about green roof science, technology, practice, regulations and specifications. GRA promote green roofs as an effective response to climate change and city heat island effects, and to reduce buildings’ carbon footprints.