Monday, May 14, 2012

WAX Goes WIld

WAX, in association with URPS (Urban and Regional Planning Services), Phillips Pilkington Architects, Lorraine Edmunds
(interpretation), EBS Ecology and Heinrich Consulting (cost surveyors) is pleased to have been awarded the opportunity to develop a Masterplan for Cleland Wildlife Park on behalf of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

Since 2008, Cleland Wildlife Park (CWP) has been working to create a strategic direction for the future development of the Park experience. WAX is now be part of a collaborative process that will build on the CWP strategic plan andto create a new long term vision for the Park, with particular emphasis on the creation of ‘immersive wildlife experiences through the provision of high quality landscapes and interpretation that reinforce a new brand position of ‘close and inspiring wildlife connections’.

WAX is now working with the rest of the design team and park staff to expand and diversify the Park into a series of inter connected immersive habitat experiences that showcase the role of DENR in conserving South Australia’s fauna and flora promoting the stories of this state’s wildlife including extinct and endangered species encourage visitors to Cleland to actively engage in environmental action.