Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bonython Park Playspace Officially Open

Since its completion, the playspace has become recognised as one of the premier play destinations within South Australia. WAX Design worked with the community, Council and playspace designer Ric Mcconaghy in the pursuit of practical and theoretical excellence in play provision. The project actively seeks to engage the child in creative, imaginative and challenging play and promotes the principles of risk benefit.  It also provides opportunities for children with physical, sensory, cognitive and other disabilities and creates an environment where children are allowed to challenge themselves, irrespective age and ability. The WAX team has had many positive comments passed on since its offical opening and a few are shown below.
“Congratulations to whoever is responsible for the kids new playspace in Bonython Park. It’s a lovely place to take my kids with many activities to choose from. I love all of the options for seating, the abundance of shade and not having to worry about nearby roads. I hope other councils follow your example. Thanks for creating such an enjoyable space.”

“Congratulations on the recent upgrade of the Bonython Park playground. This morning I took my 15 month old daughter and I was delighted with the experience. Their was an excellent mixture of equipment and I enjoyed the intelligent landscaping, plus providing toys to be used in the sandpit was a positive surprise. The other bonus was that unlike other playgrounds everyone there were happily talking to each other and the overall atmosphere was one of a community sharing in a positive experience.
It was also great to see the kiosk open again.”

From the team at WAX we would like to thank everyone for their comments so far and look forward to hearing many more comments upon visiting the new playspace. 

Image credit: 

WAX Looks Forward to Learning from the Binalong Bay Community

WAX Design along with Infraplan recently visited Binalong Bay,Tasmania in early February. The team set about collaborating with the local community to develop a masterplan for the town’s foreshore.  WAX understands that the involvement of the community is integral to guiding the direction of the masterplan.  With the assistance of the Break O’Day Council, the project team was excited about beginning the design process which was kicked off with a 3 day planning for real community consultation.  By engaging the community early in the process through one-on-ones and drop-in sessions the unique character of the place and the community’s vision for their foreshore could be captured as part of the design process.  For further information or to keep up with the latest please visit the Binalong Bay Foreshore Masterplan Facebook page.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Margaret Ives Child Care Centre Master Plan

Modification to the site boundaries was the catalyst for a masterplan and an opportunity to enger the natural play opportunities desired by the staff and parents. 

A new central amphitheatre, congregation and events area creates a new 'heart' to the external space, surrounded by nature based play, exploration and learning opportunities for the 3 to 5 year old children.

An all abilities circulation track connects the different nodes of play, including a challenging climbing mound and cubby experience, new swings, productive garden, rock lined swale and dirt digging patch, art integration, the existing sand pit and shade structure and pockets of landscaped gardens for quiet reflection.

Friday, February 1, 2013

WAX Chats With The Kadina Community

WAX Design in collaboration with URPS and InfraPlan has begun to develop a strategic and long term planning direction for the Kadina Town Centre which aims to explore community needs and the potential pressures on the urban fabric of the town centre.  To help gain an understanding of the town, the project team took up residence for 3 days in Kadina to learn from the community and see how the town ticks.
In a fun and action packed 3 days the design team held workshops, drop-in sessions, place making events and a traders breakfast where conversations were started, community insights passed on and great chats could be had.  Undertaking a site analysis also allowed the team to witness firsthand the opportunities and issues of the town centre.
The engagement process aims to build community ownership of outcomes and is a great way to open a dialogue with everyone who cares about the town’s future.  The design team finished their time in Kadina with a presentation back to the community that is aimed to show the start of their strategic thinking, guiding principles and vision for the town centre.  This allows the opportunity to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Through an intensive engagement it is important that the community conversation continues and that the project team has access to this. Via a Kadina Town Centre Facebook page the debate and discussion continues.
Please follow the conversation at