Friday, June 8, 2012

Fleurieu District Parks Masterplan

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has engaged WAX design in collaboration with URPS to develop a Visitor Experience Plan for the parks of the Fleurieu District.   The plan focuses on aligning the expectations of current and future visitor markets to the experiences provided in the Fleurieu Parks.  The Visitor Experience Plan provides the basis for more detailed concept planning of priority sites within the context of the available resources.

WAX Design with URPS responded to DENR’s requirements in preparing the Plan, specifically the impact that population growth and a significant increase in visitors to key parks such as Deep Creek is having on park management, visitor experiences and biodiversity conservation.

Deep Creek and the Heysen Trail Parks were also identified as priority areas for investment in new tourism products including tours and eco accommodation.

The future of Granite Island’s penguin experience was also assessed in relation to refocussing and better connecting the Island with broader Marine Discovery experiences that include whale watching and encounters with other marine based wildlife.