Wednesday, March 13, 2013

'RANDOM' art project

The City of Holdfast Bay in association with WAX Design recently embarked on an exciting new public arts programme for Jetty Road Glenelg and Brighton which invited 10 artists to create random acts of art within the streets.  Over four days, artists such as James Dodd, Anton Hart, Helen Nieuwendijk, Craige Andrae, Leith Elder and Violet Cooper created strange and beguiling works of art.  The result was over fifty creative, witty and thought inducing interventions… random acts of art that have populated Jetty Road Glenelg and Jetty Road Brighton. The success of Random has stemmed from the freedom it has provided artists to explore creative responses and the way the art works have engaged the public.  Random has, in effect, transformed Jetty Road Glenelg and Brighton into outdoor galleries, curated urban spaces in which to interact and enjoy public art. 

The inaugural Random public art event has created a new cultural animation for the Jetty Roads, acts of art that promote temporary adjustments of the everyday.  The result is more smiles; increased chatter and sense of discover in the streets – anticipation about what happens next......more Random acts to follow. For a full list of the Random acts of art visit