Wednesday, November 13, 2013

WAX recognised for outstanding planning ideas

WAX is delighted to have been awarded a Commendation, in the ‘Best Planning Ideas Award – Small Projects’, last Friday night at the Planning Institute of Australia’s Awards of Excellence.  Together with recognised industry leaders, URPS and InfraPlan, as well as terrific support from the District Council of the Copper Coast, Kadina Chamber of Commerce and the local community the multi-discipline project team delivered an ambitious study recommending a capital works program, which reflects the long-term place making vision for the town centre.

The award recognises outstanding planning ideas and as noted by PIA (SA Division),

This project is a noteworthy response to the opportunities and challenges of rapid ‘sea change’ population growth, seasonal population fluctuations and an ageing population, and provides a model place making framework for other country towns responding to growth and change.

WAX continues its relationship with the Council and is looking forward to seeing the studies ideas and projects hit the ground.

The report can be downloaded by following the below link.